On 03.05.2013 11:59, Vassilis Radis wrote:
Thank you jiri,
I totally agree, but I have a question that occured to me now and I cant find answer:
If Kamailio receives a CANCEL from a UAC after kamailio has responded with a 200 to the corresponding INVITE, what does t_relay_cancel() do in the following 2 cases:
Actually I do not know how t_relay_cancel() behaves in your scenarios, but: If a proxy receives a CANCEL for a transaction which was already replied with a final response, it doesn't matter how the CANCEL is processed.
The proxy forwards the final INVITE-response to the UAC, and the UAC has an established dialog (regardless if the UAC already sent a CANCEL, BYE or whatever). Also the response code of the CANCEL is irrelevant - the dialog is established and the UAC has to handle it.
regards Klaus