Hi Henning!
This solved my issues with the corefile (tested with signal 11). Maybe things changed from Debian 3.1 to 4.0 as I never had to do this before.
regards klaus
Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Friday 27 April 2007 08:27, Klaus Darilion wrote:
There was no core generated (although DUMP_CORE=yes), maybe signal 9 doesn't cause a core to be generated?
Hello Klaus,
on my system i must add a path to "core pattern" in the proc fs, to get the core dump in daemon mode.
You could try to add
COREDIR=/home/corefiles [ -d $COREDIR ] || mkdir $COREDIR chmod 777 $COREDIR echo "$COREDIR/core.%e.sig%s.%p" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
to your init file. Should i add code to handle this to the init file in svn?