Thanks for your reply, I am using v 1.5, perhaps downloading the latest from CVS?
________________________________________ From: Juha Heinanen [] Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 3:55 AM To: Carlos A. Alvarez Cc: Subject: [Kamailio-Users] Nethelper Causes Kamailio to Crash
Carlos A. Alvarez writes:
I am running into a situation where the nathelper module is causing openser/kamailio to crash. The crash occurs when opensbc sends and invite to openser with an extra CR in the message body. I already contacted the opensbc folks about this. I just wanted you all to be aware that this could cause serious service interruptions.
i think daniel fixed this a few days ago. try with kamailio 1.5. perhaps the fix is also in 1.4, but i'm not sure.
-- juha
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