El Miércoles, 3 de Febrero de 2010, Alex Balashov escribió:
Thinking about this a little more, I am not sure I understand the issue, perhaps because the original post is confusing.
Correct me if I'm wrong:
- If initial INVITE is from NAT'd user to PSTN, when INVITE is received
by proxy its Contact is fixed up and it is passed along.
So, replies and sequential requests from PSTN should go to fixed up target URI (mangled Contact URI from client-side INVITE).
- If initial INVITE is from PSTN to NAT'd user, replies with Contact
from NAT'd client are fixed up by proxy and passed along to PSTN. Sequential requests from PSTN go to new, mangled target URI, including re-INVITEs.
Contact 200 OK or other response to re-INVITE from client is fixed up as well, no?
It could, but it's not required as target uri cannot change after the dialog is established.
This is: upon dialog creation both UA's must send in-dialog requests to the proxy (if it did loose routing) with the RURI pointing to the target uri (set in the initial INVITE/200 by inspecting Contact headers). The Contact in a re- INVITE or its response doesn't matter.