On Tuesday 12 February 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
[..] Still to work on: - should be one way mailing list (standard subscriber will only received without being able to post) ??? - who should push the update emails ?? - what is the lowest severity to be pushed on the list - I guess docs /typos might not be considered fixes ;).
Hi Bogdan,
i think there exists some kind of standard for such a list that is expected from users and followed from many other projects:
- list name "announce" - low volume, a few posts a month, only really important content - must be moderated to prevent spam and abuse
So, going into more detail, i suggest that we use this list to:
- announce minor releases - announce critical fixes for branches (e.g. crashes for important modules) - announce important other events (e.g. a major change in project focus, fundrasing efforts) - the post will be written from the person who has done the fix - the author can post the message first to the devel list, if he wants review or another opinions - if some (non author) developer think that a certain thing should be announced, he needs to start a discussion about this on the devel list