thanks very much! I have now taken Jiri's advice and use the textops
package to add the header.
However, in the package, I'm calling append_hf with the message and a
char* which is the new header. From the look of it, it seems that
append_hf should call str_fixup for the char*. This does not seem to
happen. I included some debug messages and str_fixup is not called.
Thus, the length of the string in append_hf_helper is just garbage. I
have included an explicit call to str_fixup in append_hf and then
everything works fine. I'm not sure how exactly the cmd_export_t
structure is working - for append_hf it lists str_fixup.
Thanks again for your help!
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:
On Jul 07, 2003 at 16:30, Mario Kolberg
<mko(a)> wrote:
thanks for the hint on the null-terminated headers! I removed the null
termination and now I get a diffrent behaviour which depends on the
length of the header added. I only manage a single register message.
Either the ua (kphone) receives a reply or not - this depends on the
length of the header. But in any case ser dies afterwards.
There is a bug in the pscon module (this is yours isn't it?):
psconn.c line 138-139:
nheader = pkg_malloc(strlen(test));$
strcpy(nheader, test);$
You allocate strlen(test) but you copy in it strlen(test)+1 (strcpy
copies also \0, and strlen returns the lenght without \0).
This is caught by ser mem. debug code (ser by default is compiled with a
lot of debugging checks). ser malloc debug finds the end of a fragment
overriten, prints a BUG: message in the log and aborts() (to generate a
This is how I found it:
grep " BUG:" ser_crash_header
5(3124) BUG: qm_*: prev. fragm. tail overwritten(c0c0c000,
It sais previous fragment, so I search for and address less than
grep 0x80be ser_crash_header
=> several lines:
5(3124) 162. N address=0x80be630 frag=0x80be618 size=32
5(3124) 163. N address=0x80be680 frag=0x80be668 size=32
5(3124) 164. N address=0x80be6d0 frag=0x80be6b8 size=32
5(3124) 165. N address=0x80be720 frag=0x80be708 size=144
=> our offending fragment is 0x80be708
grep -A 2 0x80be708 ser_crash_header
5(3124) 165. N address=0x80be720 frag=0x80be708 size=144
5(3124) alloc'd from pscon.c: exec_pol(138)
5(3124) start check=f0f0f0f0, end check= c0c0c000, abcdefed
(as you can see it overwrites one of the end check magic numbers with
one extra 0: c0c0c000 instead of c0c0c0c0).
BTW: that's what all those memory dumps in the logs are good for (and
for detecting memory leaks).
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