Hi Antanas,
Great idea - I'll try that solution - makes a lot of sense.
Thank you!
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Antanas Masevicius
<antanas.masevicius(a)ntt.lt> wrote:
Hi Anders,
you probably will need to create this 5512 prefix for trunk 2.
This logic of including only the same length prefixes for re-routing has
its pluses and minuses.
Maybe someone else can share their practices for re-routing with lcr?
On 2010.08.27 17:37, Anders wrote:
I some calls to a specific `sub-region` that I want to limit to a
specific trunk. Example.
Region 1: prefix 55, trunk 1, priority 10
Region 1: prefix 55, trunk 2, priority 20
Sub-region A: prefix 5512, trunk 1, priority 30
I do not want the calls to prefix 5512 to fail-over to trunk 2 in case
of 404, 503 or the like. So I have tried to put priority 30 on
sub-region A and a lower priority on Region 1, but it still fails over
to trunk 2 - can I prevent this?
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
Antanas Masevičius
Technikos direktorius
UAB "Nacionalinis telekomunikaciju tinklas"
Tel. +370 5 2056000
Tel. +370 700 00031 (tiesioginis)
Fax. +370 700 00034
el.p: antanas.masevicius(a)ntt.lt
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list