For the database, asterisk and SER work on the sameone. in sip.conf create one for SER and insecure=invite. It accept all from SER
In the SER, configure the auth_db module to check the username col and password col. SER is a wall between client and asterisk(s). The same SER can be a wall between asterisk and provider. It is just a gymnastic! To test, it, the best is to have all in the same UC. And have one virtual networkInterface per Asterisk and SER.
Cordialement, BERGANZ François Pensez à l'Environnement, n'imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire.
-----Message d'origine----- De : Abdul Hakeem [] Envoyé : lundi 2 mars 2009 12:14 À : 'BERGANZ François' Objet : RE: [Kamailio-Users] how to know if my gw servers are active ?
Hi, Thanks for the prompt reply. My comments are below: -----Original Message----- From: BERGANZ François [] Sent: 02 March 2009 07:59 To: Cc: Subject: RE: [Kamailio-Users] how to know if my gw servers are active ?
Abdul Hakeem,
I use Asterisk-SER for another way. SER authenticate users and asterisk(s) accept all SIP frames from the SER.
How did you create the users databases on Asterisk and Ser ?
Also, how did you configure Asterisk to forward registration requests to Ser ?
If you could send me sample Asterisk/Ser configuration, I'll be much grateful.
Then, asterisk(s) forward the call to the provider.
When a call come from the provider, asterisk forward it to the SER and the SER just do a lookup(location)!
What happens if a call comes in to SER directly, & it has to do a quick
lookup to see which Asterisk the user is currently located ? The reason I ask is because for example User-A with e164 number/DID +447931800952 might be registered to Asterisk-X now and 10 minutes later register with Asterisk-Y, Did you implement some refresh mechanism on the SER database ?. Because in this case inbound IP calls are hitting SER first before being redirected to the appropriate Asterisk server.
I look forward to your reply. Regards, Abdul Hakeem
Cordialement, BERGANZ François ? Pensez à l'Environnement, n'imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire.
-----Message d'origine----- De : Abdul Hakeem [] Envoyé : samedi 28 février 2009 09:41 À : 'BERGANZ François' Cc : Objet : RE: [Kamailio-Users] how to know if my gw servers are active ?
Hello, How did you setup your Asterisk to update SER/OpenSER/Kamalito's database ? I am trying to setup a solution for 2 Asterisk or more servers to allow dynamic and not static user registration. i.e. any user can register with any of the Asterisk servers. Let's say if UserA register with Asterisk1, this will reflect on SER's database where to route the call. In this scenario of UserA now register with Asterisk4 5 minutes later, SER's database will be automatically updated and calls to UserA will be automatically routed to Asterisk4. What I am hoping to achieve is not to do this via manual intervention. Any this will be much appreciated. Cheers, Abdul Hakeem
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of BERGANZ François Sent: 27 February 2009 10:24 To: 'Daniel-Constantin Mierla' Cc: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] how to know if my gw servers are active ?
Yes, my asterisk update a database to help the SER
Cordialement, BERGANZ François P Pensez à l'Environnement, n'imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire.
-----Message d'origine----- De : Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Envoyé : vendredi 27 février 2009 11:19 À : BERGANZ François Cc : 'Henning Westerholt'; Objet : Re: [Kamailio-Users] how to know if my gw servers are active ?
On 02/27/2009 12:10 PM, BERGANZ François wrote:
I need to dispatch to the asterisk which have less users connected
How do you get the asterisk with the less users connected? You have some data in a db table?
Cheers, Daniel
Cordialement, BERGANZ François P Pensez à l'Environnement, n'imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire.
-----Message d'origine----- De : Henning Westerholt [] Envoyé : vendredi 27 février 2009 11:07 À : BERGANZ François Cc : Objet : Re: [Kamailio-Users] how to know if my gw servers are active ?
On Friday 27 February 2009, BERGANZ François wrote:
If I cant use dispatcher module? Because, I don’t use the module algo to choose the dst.
Well, then perhaps you need to use another solution, or adapt the
code to your needs. May i ask what is the problem with existing
What exactly do you want to achive?
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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