Hello all! I have a question. In my system we use a series of VoIP
providers to receive external calls to our telephone numbers, for the same
provider we have several registered numbers and we need our providers to
send that information in some way, so far it does not seem that there is a
common way to do it (report the number that was dialed by the person who
made the call). From what I understand, SIP does not have a place for that
information because there are no things like phone numbers in the
specification, my question is, is there a correct place to send such
information, or is it entirely up to each provider? (Now, the most common
is to have in the RURI and To header, the id of the trunk registered in the
uacreg table) I have seen a couple of options that seem to me the most
“correct”: send the information in the To header or send in a custom header.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
[image: photo] <https://www.techer.com.br/>
*Carlos Escalona*
IT - Development
41 3073-0091 | R 1011
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