HI All,
this is my serctl moni output:
Server: Sip EXpress router (0.9.6 (i386/linux)) : 0,2xx: 2526 Now: Wed Sep 26 13:23:49 2007 2007093 (0 local) : 0,2xx: 2526 Up Since: Wed Sep 26 10:34:09 2007099 (0 local) : 0,2xx: 2526 Up time: 10180 [sec]csg) Total: 79109 (0 local) : 0,2xx: 2529 Transaction Statisticsg) Total: 79120 (0 local) : 0,2xx: 2529 Transaction Statisticsg) Total: 79154 (0 local) : 0,2xx: 2529 Current: 83 (84 waiting) Total: 79176 (0 local) : 0,2xx: 2530 Replied localy: 49713 5xx: 23444, 4xx: 53310, 3xx: 0,2xx: 2530 Completion status 6xx: 35, 5xx: 23444, 4xx: 53332, 3xx: 0,2xx: 2530 Stateless Server Statistics 407: 1123 408: 0 483: 1195 4xx: 0 Stateless Server Statistics 407: 1123 408: 0 483: 1195 4xx: 0 200: 144374 202: 0 2xx: 0 407: 1124 408: 0 483: 1195 4xx: 0 300: 0 301: 0 302: 0 3xx: 0 407: 1124 408: 0 483: 1196 4xx: 0 400: 0 401: 27363 403: 0 404: 40 407: 1125 408: 0 483: 1197 4xx: 0 500: 12 5xx: 0 pired 6xx: 0 74 pired xxx: 0 75 pired failures: 1176 pired UsrLoc Statstered Expired Domain Registered Expired 'location' 670 5911 'aliases' 199266 0
and I did an trace using ethereal and it shows this user has 100 bindings and 483 counter is getting increased by one. and my xlite shows 408 timed out error. If you need some more info pls let me know.
On 9/26/07, Greger Viken Teigre greger@teigre.com wrote:
Ser shall clean up experied records regularly, check usrloc docs for details. You don't offer much info, ex errors in the logs or what happens when a registration fails, so I'm not sure if that really is your problem. g-)
------- Original message ------- From: Arun Kumar arunvoip@gmail.com Sent: 26.9.'07, 11:57
Hi All,
My ser server was running fine but my users started to complain that
they are not able to register. When I checked :
serctl ul show 1200928
it shows 106 entries and I've checked my location table also it also
contain so many expired records. I tried stopping mysql and ser and cleared all records from location table but then again after some same prob.
Please help its very urgent.