Hello (sorry for my bad english) - i try to create voice record service
by request. User A call to user B. In call by pressing combination like
*55 Kamailio must redirect both sides to asterisk, whitch create dynamic
conference room with recording. As i understand i need to use
dlg_refer() from dialog module, but in log file i get:
Konsole output
Sep 4 10:45:14 voipc-node2 /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18941]: ERROR:
dialog [dlg_req_within.c:85]: build_dlg_t(): no contact available
Sep 4 10:45:14 voipc-node2 /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18941]: ERROR:
dialog [dlg_transfer.c:188]: dlg_refer_callee(): failed to create dlg_t
In script i try to refer with:
dlg_refer("callee", "sip:100@");
dlg_refer("caller", "sip:100@");
Ярин Андрей
Инженер ООО "И.С.-Телеком"
8(351)7786878 доб 113
8(351)2555724 доб 113
8(351)2555787 доб 113