Hi guys,
I was playing around with enum, and just for grins I put a couple of SRV records in such that I had two destinations for a enum delivery. When I call the location, the call is delivered to one location or the other, not both.
When I specified the SRV, I specified equal weight/priority.
I am attempting to get a parallel fork, much like you get when two sip destinations REGISTER for the same ID. When someone calls that ID, all REGISTERed locations 'ring'.
Or, another useful thing would be to use the SRV record to cause serial forking in the event the highest priority SRV record failed, then move to the next highest priority, etc... until they are all exhausted.
I took a peek at the enum.c file, and it seems that only the first SRV/dns lookup is used. Is anybody working on such a feature????? Is this a reasonable feature or is there some other way to accomplish parallel forking????
-- Greg Fausak greg@addabrand.com