On Monday 09 March 2009, Geoffrey Mina wrote:
I have spec'd out how my LCR table would look based my current PSTN gateway providers. Looks like I would need to load roughly 300,000 routes to properly represent everything.
This server needs to be able to support spikes of 100 call setups per second.
What is the general consensus on this? And, if it's a No-Go, what alternatives do I have? I have looked briefly at the CarrierRoute module, but haven't actually played with it.
Hi Geoffrey,
i did some tests with cr with this size of the routing tree, there are also some people that uses it with even more routes. Make sure that you increase the shared memory size (should be not a problem with today memory sizes) a bit, and use a 1.4.x or 1.5.x release. Then it should run just fine. I can't really comment on the LCR module, did not used it after the refactoring for 1.5.0.