PEAR is extension repository for php. See Yes you have to install it. I don't know the how-to bellow, but it seems very obsoleted. Why you do not follow oficial installing instructions included in serweb in INSTALL file?
And please use mailing list for next questions.
fay butt napsal(a):
hi, sorry, I don't know exectly what is peer?...I have to install it seperatly?...i just followed these instructions..... you can check what paths i am using...thanx again
Step by Step Installation of WEBSER on RedHad Fedora Core 1
When the original distribution is installed the directory locations do not match up with the typical apache file locations. These notes document all the changes needed. SUGGESTION: For the Tutorial we should develop a new install TAR so delegates do not spend 30 minutes editing all the files.
* Get the TAR, un-tar and place the files in the right directory o from SER <> or from this server <> o untar *tar -xvzf serweb_2004-01-04.tar.gz* o change directory to where the files were untared to *cd serweb_2004-01-04* o Create the directory and move the files there *mkdir /var/www/phplib chown root /var/www/phplib chgrp root /var/www/phplib chmod 755 /var/www/phplib cp ./phplib/* /var/www/phplib/ -R * o # Move the html files to the DocumentRoot directory *mkdir /var/www/html/serweb/ chown apache /var/www/html/serweb/ chgrp root /var/www/html/serweb/ chmod 755 /var/www/html/serweb/ cp ./html/* /var/www/html/serweb -R* * edit these lines in */etc/php.ini* and change short_open_tag = Off" to "On" and change register_globals = Off" to "On" * Create these files as part of the serweb module. vi /var/www/html/serweb/prolog.html <body><H1>AARNet SER SIP Server</H1> vi /var/www/html/serweb/separator.html <HR> vi /var/www/html/serweb/epilog.html <H1>End of page text</H1></BODY> * ALL the files that follw are with respect to /var/www/html/serweb cd /var/www/html/serweb * edit these lines in ./config.php In general replace all with #If you have changed the mysql username, dbname or password you need to change these: $this->db_name="ser"; //database name $this->db_user="ser"; //database conection user $this->db_pass="heslo"; //database conection password # NOTE: The above relate to the mysql database, see /usr/sbin/ $this->root_path="/serweb/"; #The above must match where the serweb html directory is put this->user_pages_path = this->root_path."user*_interface*/"; $this->prolog="/serweb/prolog.html"; $this->separator="/serweb/separator.html"; $this->epilog="/serweb/epilog.html"; # /* email address for questions concerning registration */ $this->root_uri.$this->root_path."user*_interface*/my_account.php?#session#\n\n". $this->root_uri.$this->root_path."user_*interface*/reg/confirmation.php?nr=#confirm#\n\n". # There is heaps more to customise in this file which we will leave to the user. These include more email references # and text used in emails to users who register. Here are some example which do not need to be changed for this tutorial: $this->mail_header_from=""; $this->web_contact=""; $this->title="The AARNet IP Telephony Site"; $this->infomail = ""; $this->regmail = ""; * Edit /var/www/phplib/ # You need to add the following to /* public: connection parameters */ var $Host = ""; var $Database = "ser"; var $User = "ser"; var $Password = "heslo";
The follwoing changes can be applied two ways:
- Get and extract this tar file
get the file fixupserwebphp.tar from this server put it in the directory /usr/local/src/ser issue these commands cd /var/www/html/serweb tar -xvf fixupserwebphp.tar *OR* 2. Manualy make all these changes Generaly you have to add "../" to all these files so that they point correctly to where the phplib is.
* Edit ./admin/prepend.php # change $_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/prepend.php # change $_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/reg/prepend.php # change $_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./admin/acl.php # change require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./admin/index.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./admin/users.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/accounting.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/find_user.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/index.php # require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/missed_calls.php # require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/my_account.php # require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/phonebook.php # require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/send_im.php # require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/notification_subscription.php # require "*../*../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/reg/finish.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/reg/get_pass.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; * Edit ./user_interface/reg/index.php # require "*../*../../../phplib/";
LAST STEP: START APACHE /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
Plz, help me about that.... Best regards
*/Karel Kozlik* wrote:
> > What kind of errors are you facing? Me, I am having trouble finding > DB.php (this file comes with PEAR). Hi, it seems PEAR is not installed correctly. Check the 'include_path' directive in your php.ini if contain path to dir where PEAR is installled. Karel _______________________________________________ Serusers mailing list
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