I am trying to add user authentication through mySQL database to my SER (0.9.7-pre1). When I tried to run SER with the modifed ser.cfg file, it gave the error that it could not locate the 'mysql.so' module. Then I tried to 'make' the mysql module following the instructions given here: http://www.iptel.org/faq/why_does_ser_fail_to_start_with_an_error_load_modul...
When I typed 'make modules=modules/mysql modules' at the SER source directory, it gives me the error message saying that it could not locate 'mysql.h' and 'errmsg.h' (complete log given at the end of this email). I've tried to locate these files on my computer but couldn't find them. Note that mySQL is working fine on its own. I need your suggestions as to how I should proceed.
Thanks in advance for any help.