On Wednesday 12 June 2013 06:26:38 sipatse@in.gr wrote:
What I would like to do is : 1)An invite comes Towards a local subscriber 2)Perform a location lookup 3)this sub is not registered so location info was not found 4)Use function uac_req_(key) to build a message 5)Use function uac_req_send to send a message informing him about missed calls 6)Because this sub is offline, this message will be stored in silo table 7)when he will be registered again this message will be sent to him
Is this the correct way to do that or not?
I don't have experience with MSILO. It appears you could use that, but my use of uac_req_send would be just like Carlos Ruiz Díaz mentioned. Store incoming missed calls in a db. If user registers push the information as MESSAGE from the REGISTER route.
Using MSILO seems a bit tricky, the example is geared towards storing incoming MESSAGEs, not locally generated ones.