i have some SIP websocket clients (built using the SIP.js library) SUBSCRIBEd to other
via kamailio v5.8.2. If one of the watchers suddenly disappears (e.g. the web page is
another connection is made and a new watcher appears in kamailio without the old one
For example:
# kamctl rpc presence.watcher_list basic sip:1001@example.voismart.com
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"pres_uri": "sip:1001@example.com",
"to_user": "1001",
"watcher_user": "1000",
"callid": "1o9b499kj6l65if0p30t",
"user_agent": "sip.js/1.12.1",
"expires": 1736422494,
}, {
"pres_uri": "sip:1001@example.com",
"to_user": "1001",
"watcher_user": "1000",
"callid": "8mjhrqifgm39up9t2qq3",
"user_agent": "sip.js/1.12.1",
"expires": 1736422492,
"id": 11753
you can see the duplicated watcher in which the old connection is now invalid because the
websocket client disappeared.
In this situation, issuing a pres_refresh_watchers() call will fail to send any notify
(even to the valid connection) because of this error:
WARNING: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:3007]: via_builder(): TCP/TLS connection (id:
0) for WebSocket could not be found
ERROR: tm [t_msgbuilder.c:1423]: assemble_via(): via building failed
ERROR: tm [t_msgbuilder.c:1614]: build_uac_req(): error while assembling Via
ERROR: tm [uac.c:552]: t_uac_prepare(): Error while building message
ERROR: presence [notify.c:1734]: send_notify_request(): in function tm t_request_within()
ERROR: presence [notify.c:1829]: notify(): sending Notify not successful
ERROR: presence [notify.c:1585]: query_db_notify(): Could not send notify for
ERROR: presence [presence.c:739]: pres_refresh_watchers(): sending Notify requests
in which the building of the notify message fails because it cannot find a valid
when building the via header.
Is this a wanted behaviour? shouldn't it just fail the sending of the single message?
Is there
anything i can do to fix this?
Trying to reproduce the same problem with a regular tcp client, it seems that the other
notifys are
correctly sent and only a timeout error is sent for the single message:
ERROR: <core> [core/tcp_main.c:4622]: handle_tcpconn_ev(): connect failed
which i think is the correct behaviour.
Related question: is it possible to remove active watchers when the connection goes down?
Thanks for the help on this.