Thank you for the examples.
Sorry, for the direct email, was not my intention.
Tried, and I get my results.
Thanks again.
From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [mailto:miconda@gmail.com] Sent: vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 17:31 To: Gertjan Wolzak; 'Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List' Subject: Re: [SR-Users] hanging active dialog...
The example is the raw command to send, but kamctl takes care to format it. You should do:
kamctl fifo profile_list_dlg callers
kamctl fifo profile_list_dlg callers _URI_
Replace the _URI_ with the value that was in $fu.
Cheers, Daniel
On 8/23/13 3:34 PM, Gertjan Wolzak wrote:
I have tried with kamctl...
But because I found the documentation not very clear, I think I am doing it wrong.
Lets take the 8.6:
Where the parameters are profile and value, whereby the value is optional.
I tried : kamctl fifo :profile_list_dlgs: _reply_fifo_file_inbound_calls callers
Im pretty sure that is not correct.
Been looking for the correct why on google, but can find a clear explanation.
From: sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org [mailto:sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Daniel-Constantin Mierla Sent: vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 15:06 To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List Subject: Re: [SR-Users] hanging active dialog...
Have you listed the profile via kamctl or kamcmd? The commands are in the readme:
Is the afferent profile listing any dialog?
Cheers, Daniel
On 8/23/13 2:50 PM, Gertjan Wolzak wrote:
Hello Carlos,
I have been looking at your module, cant wait to work with it, especially the prepaid part.
But as this system is in production, cant just start experimenting, want to . But cant.
So just have to wait for some tips on the cli .
But thanks.
From: sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org [mailto:sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Carlos Ruiz Díaz Sent: vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 14:37 To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List Subject: Re: [SR-Users] hanging active dialog...
I don't know what exactly happened in your case but if you don't have time to investigate you can try cnxcc module [1] channel control to achieve the same goal.
Take a look at the sample configuration file located in [2]
xlog("L_INFO", "Setting up channel based credit control");
$var(max_chan) = 2;
$var(retcode) = cnxcc_set_max_channels("$var(client)", "$var(max_chan)");
if ($var(retcode) == -1) {
xlog("Error setting up credit control"); return;
$var(count) = -1;
if (!cnxcc_get_channel_count("$var(client)", "$var(count)")) {
xlog("Error getting customer's channel count" );
xlog("L_INFO", "CNXCC ROUTE: $var(client) has $var(count) call(s)");
if ($var(retcode) < -1) {
xlog("Too many channels for < /span>custome r");
sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden");
if (!cnxcc_terminate_all("$var(client)")) {
xlog("Error terminating customer's calls");
exit; }
[1] http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/cnxcc.html [2] https://github.com/caruizdiaz/cnxcc/blob/master/example/kamailio-cnxcc.cfg
Regards, Carlos
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Gertjan Wolzak g.wolzak@foize.com wrote:
Goodmorning All,
I use the following route to check for concurrent calls by the same user, if a concurrent call is tried it is not allowed.
xlog("SCRIPT: Conccurrent call check");
sl_send_reply("403", "Call not matching profile");
xlog("SCRIPT: caller value for $fu is $avp(nrcalls)");
if($avp(nrcalls)>= 1)
sl_send_reply("403", "Active calls limit exceeded");
sl_send_reply("500", "No new channels in this profile");
xlog("SCRIPT: caller value for $fu is now $avp(nrcalls)");
Now I had a situation where a user could not call because the get_profile_size for this user gave the value 1. So another call was not allowed.
But the user did not have a call active. As no dialogs were active, checked that.
I assume there can be a lot of reasons why this happens, also I want to use the I dont want to know the cause method to solve this.
So I looked at the dialog module documentation, to see if I can just clear the profile size for this specific user.
I wanted to use the profile_list_dlgs(8.6) to get the dialog details, then the dlg_terminate_dlg(8.4) to, you guessed it, terminate that dialog.
But its not clear to me how I can give those commands .
Is there a way to give those commands on the cli, if so can someone please write down some examples
Would be really appreciated.
_______________________________________________ SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users