Who: Any or All Interested Parties What: Dinner / Drinks When: Wednesday 10/31 7:30pm Where: Bull & Finch Pub http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_&_Finch_Pub (if I can get reservations, otherwise another location near the Boston Commons) Why: To continue technical and business discussions started at the conference. To network with other professionals with specific interests in OpenSER and related technologies To put faces with the names of the various people on the mailing lists and irc. To relax, enjoy a good meal and perhaps buy a souvenir mug.
RSVP: Please email me directly norm@openser.us so that I can get a headcount for the reservations.
If there is a company out there that would like to sponsor this event, please contact Daniel daniel@voice-system.ro or myself.
Regards, Norman Brandinger GOES 877 463-7266 (877 GOES.COM)