On 1/23/12 10:43 AM, trojak@st.fri.uniza.sk wrote:
I am trying to make kamailio PCSCF working with rtpproxy (for NAT traversal). I would like to ask, if there is any tutorial for this, or if you can give me any advice.
Maybe IMS guys can give other hints, what is on public so far was summarized at: * http://www.kamailio.org/w/2011/01/ims-extensions-available-for-testing/
I also have installed rtpproxy package; #!define WITH_NAT, and defined rtpproxy port in config file... But this is not working. I noticed, that in default config file of pcscf is nothing in routing logic with rtpproxy (or it is unnecessary ?), so I try to copy route[RELAY] route[NAT] route[RTPPROXY] modules from kamailio (no pcscf) config file... but also with no success.
Can you help me please ? What I am doing wrong ? Do you have any configuration working with rtpproxy ?
Be sure you can the nat handling routes for INVITES behind nat. You can follow the logic in the default config file and adapt it for you pcscf config. In summary should be like: - invite comes in, test if it is from caller behind nat - lookup location returns a branch flag if the calee is behind nat (you have to set that branch flag for register request coming from users) - if caller or callee are behind nat, engage rtpproxy for that call and set a onreply route to update sdp for 18x/200 replies - default config adds a Route header parameter for nated calls to detect easily the natted situation for re-invites or bye
Cheers, Daniel