On 09/30/08 13:33, Asim Riaz wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com mailto:miconda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, On 09/30/08 13:11, Asim Riaz wrote: Hi, my openser.cfg is configured for childern=4, but I am seeing child processes? I don't get the problem/question... maybe you can rephrase. Cheers, Daniel -- Daniel-Constantin Mierla http://www.asipto.com
my mistake, openser.cfg is configured for childern=4, but I am seeing 8 processes when run ps -faux.
kamailio/openser creates for each listening interface same number of chlildren, so if it listens on two ip/port, then you will get 2*children worker processes.
Apart of this, there are couple of special processes, such as timer, attendant, fifo/mi listener...
To get the real meaning for each process, execute:
'openserctl ps' (or 'kamctl ps' if you use 1.4.x or newer) -- you need mi_fifo module loaded and configured.
Cheers, Daniel