One last try... :)
Does anyone out there have any advice for me on this issue? I'm stuck and could really use some help. I've been trying to find a solution myself for the past week or so and have been less than successful.
Thanks in advance! Darren Nay
Hey all,
I have a question regarding usrloc. I have run into a problem..
We have static routes sent to an asterisk server for all of our SIP usernames. In addition our IAD’s will register with the same username, so that calls coming into our switch for that username will be routed to both the asterisk box and the SIP IAD. This way, whichever endpoint (IAD or asterisk) answers the call first will take the call.
For example.
root:/ # serctl ul show +18646404810
sip:+18646404810@;q=;expires=403 is the asterisk server. This is a static route added by serctl. is my IAD which registers with the switch every 10 minutes.
So when calls are made to (864) 640-4810 then SER will send an INVITE to both location.
I explained all of this just to explain now what my problem is, and ask if anyone may know a possible solution.
Now, we also use asterisk to perform call fwd’ing functions. Asterisk will answer the call and then originate another call out back to SER to a new location. Now the problem! (finally!) This call fwd’ing method works very well in most cases, except that if the call fwd’ing is being sent to another location registered with SER then it will be redirected back to asterisk again, albeit to a different URI, and asterisk will kill the call because it thinks that it has looped (which I guess it has… sort of).
So, I’m wondering if there is possibly a way to retrieve only the usrloc locations that don’t contain the IP address in the contact URI? This way I can just check if the src_ip is and if so then retrieve all the usrloc locations – without asterisk – and the call will not be redirected back to asterisk.
Is this possible? Or if anyone has any other ideas that may help then I am definitely open to suggestions.
Thanks for your help!!
Darren Nay
Ionosphere, Inc
VoIP Network Development