yes the add tables, but no such a field in database acc
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 03:04:57 +0100, Alexander Philipp Lintenhofer
<lintenhofer(a)> wrote:
I installed ser09 with and and tried
to implement serweb
(latest version fetched by CVS this night).
Unfortunately, the generated SQL statements do not fit to the actual
implementation of the database:
log errors for example:
Unknown column 't1.caller_deleted' in 'where clause'
Table 'ser09.uuidaliases' doesn't exist
I use Slackware 10 with kernel 2.6.10, PHP 4.3.9 (5.0.3 did not work
with serweb) and MySQL 4.1.8 and I know that the DB-model of ser09
differs from the model of ser0814.
Where can I therefore get the latest version of the DB-model ?
kind regards and thank you for your help!
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