https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/htable#htable.p.htable says for
modparam('htable', 'htable', '…autoexpire … updateexpire…')
autoexpire -time in seconds to delete an item from a hash table if no update was done to
it. If is missing or set to 0, the items won't expire.
updateexpire - if set to 1 (default), the time until expiration of an item is reset when
that item is updated. Certain uses of htable may dictate that
updates should not reset the expiration timeout, however, in which case this attribute can
be set to 0.
My reading is that, when a value is updated and autoexpire is positive, autoexpire will
reset the timer, but updateexpire may or may not reset the
same timer.
That is:
modparam('htable', 'htable', 'a=>autoexpire=5;updatedelete=1')
modparam('htable', 'htable', 'b=>autoexpire=5;updatedelete=0')
If b was not updated for 5s, will it be removed, as the documentation for autoxpire
suggests, irrespective of updatedelete?