Hi Ben
Would `xavp_params_implode()` work for you? https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.6.x/modules/pv.html#pv.f.xavp_params_imp...
That is exactly what I try to do:
$var(k) = 0; while ($xavp(tm_contacts[$var(k)]) != $null) { $var(out) = "nothing"; xavp_params_implode("tm_contacts[$var(k)]", "$var(out)"); xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): tm_contacts idx: $var(k) => $var(out)\n"); $var(k) = $var(k) + 1; }
I know there are 4 elements on the stack as the while looks runs for k from 0 to 3.
But $var(out) only contains data when k is 0 so I am unable to dump the other elements on the stack.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-