2010/10/21 Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com:
Iñaki Baz Castillo writes:
Then how do you get the proxy routing "Event: presence" PUBLISH to a server-1 and "Event: dialog" PUBLISH to server-2?
you cannot do it. it is not supported.
Could you explain it please?
Also, innovation would also be killed in case the proxy receives an initial request with unknown SIP method. This is: a proxy knows what to do with an INVITE, REGISTER, OPTIONS... but what should it do with CHICKEN? depending of the nature of the method, it's important/required that the proxy knows it to route it properly.
i agree and therefore presence spec is badly broken when/if it says that request uri in publish should the same as the uri of presentity. request uri should be that of presence server for the event in question and from header should tell whose presence is being published.
Probably. Iasked exactly this question about PUbLISH and RURI in sip-implementors and got the response I've told to you in my previous mail.
The advantaje of PUBLISH having same RURI as From URI is the fact that the client doesn't require to be provisioned with a "presence server URI".