Thank you for explanation Daniel.
-- probing is intermediary state, toward active or inactive. So with first threshold result, it switches to the appropriate state.
but I see no difference between this and this mode below (documentation)
1 (value 2) - temporary trying destination (in the way to become inactive if it does not reply to keepalives - there is a module parameter to set the threshold of failures);
So we have
AP - active probing (proxy keeps on sending OPTIONS, routing to this destination possible) IP - inactive probing, because it failed "threshold" times (proxy keeps on sending OPTIONS, routing is not possible) TP - last check failed, from this state it can go AP or IP (routing is possible) DX - disabled (no OPTIONS sent, routing not possible) AX - active (routing possible, OPTIONS are not sent) ? TX - ? temporary trying IX - ? inactive trying
But in fact if you manage to find some time for that NOPROBE thing, the cases we need could be implemented, it would be awesome.
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
On 6/19/13 1:57 PM, Mino Haluz wrote:
I've been playing with dispatcher settings, and I cannot get it working as expected. I would like to have my destination IP1 being always probed and some destinations should be marked as active non-probing.
So, in my config I have
ds_probing_mode = 0 (documentation: If set to 0, only the gateways with state PROBING are tested;)
probing is intermediary state, toward active or inactive. So with first threshold result, it switches to the appropriate state.
Ok, so I set flag = 8 in dispatcher list for IP1 (documentation: 3 (value 8) - probing destination (sending keep alives);)
Restart of kamailio, host IP1 is AP, after first interval (10sec), 200OK from gateway is received, and host becomes AX (active non-probing). Why ?? What I expect is that host stays AP. Why the probing mode is turned off when first check is OK?
I can somehow do it with ds_probing_mode = 1 but this is not I want - I need that some gateways are not probed at all (documentation: if set to 1, all gateways are tested - useless for me)
I tried every flag range 0-10. I think it does not work as documentation states or I simply do not understand its meaning.
Please help me to have this clear, this module is quite critical for us.
Probably it is needed a new flag to say NOPROBE when ds_probing_mode = 1 . I will try to look over it when I have some time.
Cheers, Danie
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com!/miconda - Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
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