i cannot reproduce your problem using sr_3.0 lcr module. i don't have access to k 1.5 system right now, but this part of the code, i.e., selecting gateway groups is the same.
in my test i have
root@rautu:~# sip-proxy_ctl lcr.dump_gws { lcr_id: 1 grp_id: 1 ip_addr: hostname: port: 5060 scheme: sip transport: UDP strip: 0 tag: weight: 1 flags: -1078994760 defunct_until: -1253612224 } { lcr_id: 1 grp_id: 2 ip_addr: hostname: port: 5060 scheme: sip transport: UDP strip: 0 tag: weight: 1 flags: -1078994760 defunct_until: -1253612096 }
root@rautu:~# sip-proxy_ctl lcr.dump_lcrs { lcr_id: 1 prefix: 091351 from_uri: grp_id: 2 priority: 1 } { lcr_id: 1 prefix: 091351 from_uri: grp_id: 1 priority: 2 }
in this case gw from grp 2 is selected and if i swap the priorities, gw from grp 1 is selected. the ids in lcr table are 89 and 127.
-- juha