At 12:53 22/11/2006, Weiter Leiter wrote:
Let me compare with cars. ser is the much more fast car
then openser,
but with openser I can drive the shortest route whereas with ser I had
to drive weird routes because of missing functions.
I believe that naming such functionality would help in this kind of sessions. (I have my
wish list for both, as well.)
Just curious what your "wish list" is?
But I'm still not sure whether there got to be an
open feature list and a roadmap for SER.
Actually a roadmap suggestion is in the ottendorf release announcement
It is kind of testing balloon -- wondering if people would like to comment
on it.
Probably this is
getting better with the select framework in Ottendorf - if only I could
understand it.
I find it pretty easy to use, but I join you in denouncing that the documentation is
lagging behind, something that becomes chronic for SER;
badly, I have to join you too :-) anyhow, if you occur to have some examples or text
to share, that would be just fantastic.
Also I recall you once mentioned some fast-usrloc-loading feature in an email I can't
find -- could you share with me what this actually is?
Jiri Kuthan