install kernel > 2.4 from debain.that will work perfectly
From: "Helder Rogerio [MICROREDE]" Reply-To: To: Subject: [Serusers] Too much shared memory demanded: 33554432 Error Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 04:57:05 -0000 (WET)
I'm Helder from Portugal and i have recently (2 days) installed Ser in a debian box with 196Mb RAM, Pentium II 450 (cheap machine) to try out the possibilities of VOIP inside our organization, i've downloaded to .deb package for 0.8.12 version, installed and puff! an error, Too much shared memory demanded: 33554432...
I've added more meory to the machine without results on the syslog i've found the following:
ERROR: shm_mem_init : could not attach shared memory ser: Could not initialize shared memory pool, exiting...
Can this be solved, i've been searching docs in site without success.
thanks in advance,
Cumprimentos / Best regards,
Helder Rogério
Microrede - Tecnologias de Informação, Lda. Rua Lopes, 55 - C/V E 1900-297 Lisbon Portugal
Tel. 21 8148372 Fax. 21 8127158
« There are only two types of people in the world, those who have lost data and those who will. » -- Richard Nixon
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