confirm 83b7fb1612811c64f85f47a6046dd84dea286d15
Dear. All Hi~ I was adviced many times by "seruser" but my problems has not been solved. I,m afraid that I have many questions. So I intend to specify my present situation.
Operating System: Linux Fedora 3
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl start
Starting SER : started pid(8370)
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ps 0 8370 attendant 1 8375 fifo server 2 8377 receiver child=0 sock= 3 8379 receiver child=1 sock= 4 8384 receiver child=2 sock= 5 8386 receiver child=3 sock= 6 8387 receiver child=0 sock= 7 8390 receiver child=1 sock= 8 8393 receiver child=2 sock= 9 8397 receiver child=3 sock= 10 8401 timer 11 8403 tcp receiver 12 8406 tcp receiver 13 8410 tcp receiver 14 8412 tcp receiver 15 8415 tcp main process
my_ip: sip_uri: sip:hjkim@
I added my hostname and my ip address in /etc/host file. And I added alias="hostname.myserver.sampro.cse" alias="" in /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg file.
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[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ping sip:hjkim@ [1]+ Done cat <$path | filter_fl 483
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I received "SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops" . but I don't know the reason.
Well...My computer is connected other computers including computer has as ip address. And my /etc/host file has cse4 localhost.localdomain localhost kims myserver.sampro.cse
Is there reason in here??? I don't know .
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -T -s sip:hjkim@ warning: IP extract from warning activated to be more informational 0: (0.355 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 1: (0.982 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 2: (0.459 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 3: (0.520 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops ....................
177: timeout after 500 ms 177: timeout after 1000 ms 177: timeout after 2000 ms 177: (3306.067 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 178: (3.073 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 179: (3.104 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops ..................
313: (3.345 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 314: (3.494 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 315: (3.038 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 316: (3.518 ms) SIP/2.0 483 Too Many Hops 317: (5.048 ms) SIP/2.0 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL) without Contact header
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In response part, I found the message "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" and "authorization failed request already contains (Proxy-) Authorization, but received 40[1|7], see above" What happened??
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -U -vv -s sip:hjkim@ warning: ignoring -i option when in usrloc mode registering user hjkim... authorizing registering user hjkim... request: REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 Authorization: Digest username="hjkim", uri="sip:", algorithm=MD5, realm="myserver.sampro.cse", nonce="4333e4b8b0199c2d9c0f8bd249bedc3b8b20bf87", response="f58e11aff01e5123bcf5010405e91278" Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.4f28e7fb;rport From: sip:hjkim@;tag=4de59540 To: sip:hjkim@ Call-ID: 1306891584@ CSeq: 2 REGISTER Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: sipsak 0.9.1 Expires: 15 Contact: sip:hjkim@
response: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.4f28e7fb;rport=32860;received=
From: sip:hjkim@;tag=4de59540 To: sip:hjkim@;tag=b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58.ad3a Call-ID: 1306891584@ CSeq: 2 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="myserver.sampro.cse", nonce="4333e4b8b0199c2d9c0f8bd249bedc3b8b20bf87" Server: Sip EXpress router (0.9.4 (i386/linux)) Content-Length: 0 Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=8397 req_src_ip= req_src_port=32860 in_uri=sip: out_uri=sip: via_cnt==1"
error: authorization failed request already contains (Proxy-) Authorization, but received 40[1|7], see above
[root@cse3 ~]# serctl ul show Dumping all contacts may take long: are you sure you want to proceed? [Y|N] y ===Domain list=== ---Domain--- name : 'aliases' size : 512 table: 0xf50b44c8 d_ll { n : 0 first: (nil) last : (nil) } ---/Domain--- ---Domain--- name : 'location' size : 512 table: 0xf50b2218 d_ll { n : 2 first: 0xf50b4220 last : 0xf50b4348 }
...Record(0xf50b4220)... domain: 'location' aor : 'kim' ~~~Contact(0xf50b4260)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : 'kim' Contact : 'sip:hjkim@myserver.sampro.cse' Expires : Permanent q : 1 Call-ID : 'The-Answer-To-The-Ultimate-Question-Of-Life-Universe-And-Everything' CSeq : 42 User-Agent: 'SIP Express Router FIFO' received : '' State : CS_SYNC Flags : 128 next : (nil) prev : (nil) ~~~/Contact~~~~ .../Record... ...Record(0xf50b4348)... domain: 'location' aor : 'mj' ~~~Contact(0xf50b4388)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : 'mj' Contact : 'sip:mj@myserver.sampro.cse' Expires : Permanent q : 1 Call-ID : 'The-Answer-To-The-Ultimate-Question-Of-Life-Universe-And-Everything' CSeq : 42 User-Agent: 'SIP Express Router FIFO' received : '' State : CS_SYNC Flags : 128 next : (nil) prev : (nil) ~~~/Contact~~~~ .../Record...
---/Domain--- ===/Domain list===
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I received the message "received ICMP packet (type: 3, code: 10): from" What does means this message??
[root@cse3 ~]# sipsak -T -vv -s sip:iptel@ warning: IP extract from warning activated to be more informational Max-Forwards set to 0
received ICMP packet (type: 3, code: 10): from
I’d appreciate it if you would give me some solutions. Thank you in advance.....
mi-jin Song
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