why don't you use the usr_preferences table with uuid,username,attribute,value?
much easyer way ;)
Dear All
I am trying to do the following:
I want to enable/disable users, to do that I added a column named status to the subscribers table. It contains a string saying enabled or disabled. I did add the following info to the config file.
# ----- AVP params --------
modparam("avpops", "avp_url", "mysql://openser:0o0o0o0o0@xx.xx.xx.xx/openser")
modparam("avpops","db_scheme", "scheme1:username_col=username;value_col=status;value_type=string;table= subscriber")
And in the route statement I added "This is a sample provided by MPWizard..thanks for that" however it apparently needs some changes to work for me.
if (avp_db_load("$tU", "$avp(s:disabled)"))
xlog("L_INFO", "User is local but disabled, denying registration")
The error I get in the log file is as follows:
Jun 6 11:20:38 [21919] ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_submit_query: driver error: Unknown column 'value' in 'field list'
Jun 6 11:20:38 [21919] ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_query: error while submitting query
Jun 6 11:20:38 [21919] ERROR:avpops:ops_dbload_avps: db_load failed
Any suggestions please.
Thanks to all of you guys. For all the support now and before ..you rock.