Hi there,
Can someone help figure out why there's this t_relay error, if I decide to drop the single master branch either all branches belonging to the same destination set, even though there are more serial sets to try later?
*Error:* *tm [t_funcs.c:337]: t_relay_to(): t_forward_nonack returned error -6 (-6)* *tm [t_funcs.c:355]: t_relay_to(): -6 error reply generation delayed *
request_route { seturi("sip:a@mydomain.net"); append_branch("sip:b@mydomain.net", "0.5"); append_branch("sip:c@mydomain.net", "0.5"); append_branch("sip:d@", "1.0"); # append_branch("sip:e@mydomain.net", "1.0"); # no error if I add this branch with same Q=1.0
t_load_contacts(); t_next_contacts();
t_on_branch("check_branch"); t_on_failure("serial");
t_relay(); break; }
branch_route[check_branch] { if($rd=="") drop; }
failure_route["serial"] { if (!t_next_contacts()) exit; }
t_on_branch("check_branch"); t_on_failure("serial"); t_relay(); }
Thanks in advance.