The issue is fixed after reverting this commit.
Regards, Nicolas.
De : Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com Envoyé : mardi 9 novembre 2021 11:41
there was a recent change trying to catch the case when setting the variable to a null string (it was reported to bug tracker as a side effect of operations done by other module, maybe lost?!?):
* https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/6eb67eaa4fc27d1eb7da7b2b674ffe8e...
Can you try to revert and see if it fixes? Right now I don't have the time to test.
Cheers, Daniel On 09.11.21 10:10, Chaigneau, Nicolas wrote: Hello,
I’ve just built Kamailio from the master.
Assigning a value to a « var » doesn’t seem to work anymore… This works with Kamailio 5.5.2.
E.g. :
$var(my_var) = "hello"; xlog("L_WARN", "var(my_var): $var(my_var)\n");
# => This shows value 0.
Regards, Nicolas.
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