It's your step 3 that has me confused; when I get the 302 am I supposed to reroute the call in failure route the same way I would, say, a 503 error code?
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Iñaki Baz Castillo Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:26 PM To: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] LRN routing - 302 sip code
El Miércoles, 24 de Junio de 2009, Mik Cheez escribió:
One of our carriers gives us an option to check LRN routing via SIP before we attempt to send out a call. Our request will go out as a regular invite, then we'll get a 302 return code back, with the result contained
the header.
My question is, how exactly is the flow of this kind of call supposed to work? I thought I could do a regular failover, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have a suggestion?
- The proxy routes the INVITE to the carrier. - The carrier replies 302 with the real destination in "Contact" header. - The proxy does recursion for 302, extracts the URI from the "Contact" header and generates a new branch to that URI.