If I put route(SDP_VIDEO_REMOVER) into the section route[NATMANAGE] ( https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/master/etc/kamailio.cfg#L820 ), Kamailio shows the error I posted below.
route[SDP_VIDEO_REMOVER] { if ( is_request() && has_body("application/sdp") && sdp_with_media("video") ) { sdp_remove_media("video"); msg_apply_changes(); xlog("L_WARN","[$cfg(route)] *m=video detected* | $rm/$rs/$avp(sdp_mvideo_line)/ \n"); } }
16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:883]: sdp_with_media(): attempting to search for media type: [video] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:898]: sdp_with_media(): stream 0 of 0 - media [audio] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:898]: sdp_with_media(): stream 1 of 0 - media [video] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1038]: sdp_remove_media(): attempting to search for media type: [video] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1055]: sdp_remove_media(): stream 0 of 0 - media [audio] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1055]: sdp_remove_media(): stream 1 of 0 - media [video] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1061]: sdp_remove_media(): removing media stream: video16(15993) *ERROR: textopsx [textopsx.c:181]: ki_msg_apply_changes(): invalid usage - not in request route or a reply* 16(15993) WARNING: <script>: [SDP_VIDEO_REMOVER] *m=video detected* | INVITE/<null>/m=video 0 RTP/AVP 97 99 98 110 / 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1133]: sdp_with_transport(): attempting to search for transport type: [RTP/SAVP] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1148]: sdp_with_transport(): stream 0 of 0 - transport [RTP/AVP] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1148]: sdp_with_transport(): stream 1 of 0 - transport [RTP/AVP] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_data.c:222]: sdpops_build_ids_list(): codecs list [PCMA] - at name [PCMA] with list ids [8] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_data.c:255]: sdpops_build_ids_list(): codecs list [PCMA] - ids list [8] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1433]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): attempting to search codecs in sdp: [8] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1448]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): stream 0 of 0 - payloads [121 122 123 124 9 0 8 18 101] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1465]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): codecs [121 122 123 124 9 0 8 18 101] - found [8] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1448]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): stream 1 of 0 - payloads [97 99 98 110] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1460]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): codecs [97 99 98 110] - not found [8] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_data.c:222]: sdpops_build_ids_list(): codecs list [PCMU] - at name [PCMU] with list ids [0] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_data.c:255]: sdpops_build_ids_list(): codecs list [PCMU] - ids list [0] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1433]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): attempting to search codecs in sdp: [0] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1448]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): stream 0 of 0 - payloads [121 122 123 124 9 0 8 18 101] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1465]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): codecs [121 122 123 124 9 0 8 18 101] - found [0] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1448]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): stream 1 of 0 - payloads [97 99 98 110] 16(15993) DEBUG: sdpops [sdpops_mod.c:1460]: sdp_with_codecs_by_id(): codecs [97 99 98 110] - not found [0]
пт, 1 нояб. 2019 г. в 14:38, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
that's strange, because the condition in the c code is:
if(msg->first_line.type != SIP_REPLY && get_route_type() !=
REQUEST_ROUTE) { LM_ERR("invalid usage - not in request route or a reply\n"); return -1; }
Which is clear about whether the message is a SIP reply or function is executed in request_route. There is a condition later about the record_route(), but it didn't get to that code...
Maybe you can share the entire request_route you had when the error was exposed.
Cheers, Daniel On 01.11.19 12:14, Denys Pozniak wrote:
Got message in debug=3: *13(2141) ERROR: textopsx [textopsx.c:181]: ki_msg_apply_changes(): invalid usage - not in request route or a reply*
But definitely msg_apply_changes() is placed in request_route section. I have just moved code part before calling record_route() function and it helped.
Interesting, but as I remember Kamailio should display in such cases something like below: "...cannot apply msg changes after adding record-route header..."
Thanks for the hint.
пт, 1 нояб. 2019 г. в 11:35, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
run with debug=3 and what the logs to see if there are error/warning messages.
Cheers, Daniel On 01.11.19 10:26, Denys Pozniak wrote:
I'm trying to remove m=video stream from incoming SIP/SDP request in th way below:
modparam("rtpengine", "read_sdp_pv", "$avp(read_sdp_pv)") modparam("rtpengine", "write_sdp_pv", "$avp(write_sdp_pv)") ... sdp_remove_media("video"); msg_apply_changes(); sdp_get("$avp(read_sdp_pv)"); xlog("L_WARN","[$cfg(route)] *m=video removed* ci| rb=/$rb/ \n"); xlog("L_WARN","[$cfg(route)] *m=video removed* ci| avp(read_sdp_pv)=/$avp(read_sdp_pv)/ \n"); rtpengine_manage("$avp(rtpengine_offer)"); set_body("$avp(write_sdp_pv)", "application/sdp");
But no luck, xlog shows m=video in $rb and $avp(rtp_sdp_read) as well.
BR, Denys Pozniak
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio World Conference - April 27-29, 2020, in Berlin -- www.kamailioworld.com
BR, Denys Pozniak
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio World Conference - April 27-29, 2020, in Berlin -- www.kamailioworld.com