In fact, i m running v0.8.12...
I can't find t_check_status in the tm_module...the exports structure in
the tm.c file doesn't contain t_check_status...even a *grep* doesn't
give anything...
I've read the topic about Selective t_on_failure
In it, a 0.8.13 version is mentionned and the last message specifies
that this function (t_check_status) works... Is there a new version of
the tm module ?...
Sorry for all these questions ...
Bogdan-Andrei IANCU wrote:
Hi Laurent,
you cab check the reply code directly from failure/reply_route by
using t_check_status("regular_expression") - it's exported by TM
module; the function returns true if the reply code match the given
regular expression.
The only issue it's you cannot make distinction between local
generated timeouts or downstream timeouts.
Laurent BURGY wrote:
I want to know if i can see in the ser.cfg why the execution goes
in a failure route ( to differentiate a negative reply and a timer
hits) in order to perform reply processing...
I didn't see ( or understand ) how to do this....I don't think
that you can parse the reply to see the return code...
The only way i see right now is to build a module and register to
the TMCB_ON_FAILURE event to see if there is a FAKED_REPLY ( but i
don't know if this callback can pass this value) but maybe there is
an easier way...
I need some help
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