El Jueves, 11 de Junio de 2009, kokoska rokoska escribió:
Iñaki Baz Castillo napsal(a):
El Miércoles, 10 de Junio de 2009, kokoska rokoska escribió:
SIP ALG routers are big pain, at least for me :-)
What I'm trying to do is automagically detect users behind such a stupid routers (analyzing INVITEs and REGISTERs in sip-dump) and automatically send them e-mails aksing to disable SIP ALG. Just my 2c...
I plan to build a small software (hopefully running on Linux and Windows) which will connect with my server in order to detect if there is a SIP ALG router in the path.
I just need some spare time :)
Sounds interesting :-)
If you think I can help you (at least with testing 'cos I'm not good programmer), drop me an e-mail...
Sure, when I've it ready I'll announce it here so you can test it :) Thanks.