Hi Daniel,
I'm wondering if the change you made to the dev branch for setting the state via fifo command is what could be causing this issues (just guessing, I am more than likely worng :)), see my subsequent testing below:
Just a little further digging on this, seems to show that kamailio v3.2.0 acts differently than 3.3.0 dev branch.
Below is the log output of my routing logic using v3.2.0:
at this point dispatcher is loaded with both destinations set in AX (Active) state, I then shutdown the 2 destination port(s), then, request comes in:
route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : SBC selected for mydomain.com is sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : next destination select (sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com
This request responds as expected, however, both destinations are now set in AP mode, then some more requests come in: NOTE: $du seems to be causing issue here as well, but i think $du is cosmetic (I have previously sent the routing logic that displays this).
route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com
This is behaiving as I understand it from the docs. Both destinations are in Active-Probing state, and, because they are in probing state, ds_select_dst will not use them in the selection process for subsequent requests.
Now, when testing with 3.3.0 dev branch:
Below is log output of my routing script logic using 3.3.0 dev:
at this point dispatcher is loaded with both destinations set in AX (Active) state, I then shutdown the 2 destination port(s), then, request comes in:
route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : SBC selected for mydomain.com is sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : next destination select (sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com
This request responds as expected, however, both destinations are now set in AP mode, then some more requests come in: NOTE: $du seems to be causing issue here as well, but i think $du is cosmetic (I have previously sent the routing logic that displays this).
route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : SBC selected for mydomain.com is sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : next destination select (sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : SBC selected for mydomain.com is sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : next destination select (sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com route[MAIN] : REGISTER : Initial route request (if= route[MAIN] : REGISTER : SBC selected for mydomain.com is sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : next destination select (sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : timeout and no reply (>>sip: route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : setting sip: to probing state route[TO_SBC] : REGISTER : No destinations available for mydomain.com
This is not behaving as I understand the docs to explain. The only difference between the 2 versions of the script logic is the version of kamailio, the exact same routing script is used in both scenarios.
The "working as understood from docs" version is as follows:
# ./kamailio -V version: kamailio 3.2.0 (i386/linux) e19bb8 flags: STATS: Off, USE_IPV6, USE_TCP, USE_TLS, TLS_HOOKS, USE_RAW_SOCKS, DISABLE_NAGLE, USE_MCAST, DNS_IP_HACK, SHM_MEM, SHM_MMAP, PKG_MALLOC, DBG_QM_MALLOC, USE_FUTEX, FAST_LOCK-ADAPTIVE_WAIT, USE_DNS_CACHE, USE_DNS_FAILOVER, USE_NAPTR, USE_DST_BLACKLIST, HAVE_RESOLV_RES ADAPTIVE_WAIT_LOOPS=1024, MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 262144, MAX_LISTEN 16, MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535, DEFAULT PKG_SIZE 4MB poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select. id: e19bb8 compiled on 15:04:46 Oct 25 2011 with gcc 4.1.2
The "not working as understood from docs" version is as follows:
# /kamailio -V version: kamailio 3.3.0-dev0 (i386/linux) 25bedc flags: STATS: Off, USE_IPV6, USE_TCP, USE_TLS, TLS_HOOKS, USE_RAW_SOCKS, DISABLE_NAGLE, USE_MCAST, DNS_IP_HACK, SHM_MEM, SHM_MMAP, PKG_MALLOC, DBG_QM_MALLOC, USE_FUTEX, FAST_LOCK-ADAPTIVE_WAIT, USE_DNS_CACHE, USE_DNS_FAILOVER, USE_NAPTR, USE_DST_BLACKLIST, HAVE_RESOLV_RES ADAPTIVE_WAIT_LOOPS=1024, MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 262144, MAX_LISTEN 16, MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535, DEFAULT PKG_SIZE 4MB poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select. id: 25bedc compiled on 09:18:41 Oct 21 2011 with gcc 4.1.2
I hope I'm not going crazy here :/
On 25/10/2011 16:52, Asgaroth wrote:
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the clarrification,
On 25/10/2011 16:30, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
4.6. |ds_mark_dst("s")|
Mark the last used address from destination set as inactive ("i"/"I"/"0"), active ("a"/"A"/"1") or probing ("p"/"P"/"2"). With this function, an automatic detection of failed gateways can be implemented. When an address is marked as inactive or probing, it will be ignored by 'ds_select_dst' and 'ds_select_domain'.
Above is the part that is a little misleading, it says that
"When an address is marked as inactive or probing, it will be ignored by 'ds_select_dst' and 'ds_select_domain'."
This, to me, means that if a gateway is in probing mode (Active-Probing) then it wont be selected in the destination set because it is in probing mode, if this is not the case then maybe the above line should read:
"When an address is marked as inactive or inactive-probing, it will be ignored by 'ds_select_dst' and 'ds_select_domain'."
This brings me to my next question then, how would I set the state of a destination to Inactive-Probing (state: IP) from the routing script. The ds_mark_dst() function only allows one of "a", "i", "p".
If I do a ds_mark_dst("i"), then the state changes to "IX", Inactive with no probing to tell when gateway is back up.
If I do a ds_mark_dst("i") and then right after ds_mark_dst("p"), a log is printed saying that you cannot put a destination into probing state when it is marked as inactive.
Is it possible to set the state of a gateway to inactive-probing from the routing script?
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