On Monday 11 February 2008 13:04:35 Ali Jawad wrote:
Dear Iñaki
Thanks for your quick reply, you have stated that STUN is transparent and
once applied OpenSER modules wont detect NAT and therefore wont act upon
the packets. You also said that both solution can work together.
suppose that STUN did not help a NAT client..
What does mean "STUN did not help a NAT client"?
STUN doesn't work behind a NAT symetric router. In any other NAT type router
it works.
Anyway, the clients performs a NAT test and if they discover that they are
behind a symmetric NAT router they warn the user about they cannot use STUN.
in that case the proxy module
of openser would kick in and start acting right ?
Rtp/MediaProxy are solutions that force the audio going through a server with
public IP. Also nathelper module makes fix the private IP's in the original
message ("Contact", "Via"...).
Iñaki Baz Castillo