On 03/08/2009 12:51 PM, Andreas Heise wrote:
first of all thanks for the great sqlops module.
Is "|sql_result_free(result)|" needed before I leave the script by "exit;" to avoid memory trouble or is it only needed to query again in the same request processing?
It is required to free the memory used by result. If it is not done, next query will do the free automatically. So, it is recommended to do it.
Is there any way to check if the query was not successful (db unreachable, systax error in query)? I've seen a warning in the syslog, but I need to check it in the script.
The function return false if the query was not sucessful.
BTW in the doc the example for 1.4.2. seems to be wrong?
Because of missing usage of sql_result_free()? Or you spotted something else?
Cheers, Daniel