Ramin, I suggest you also post this to serdev@iptel.org. This is fairly low-level stuff and is it also cvs head, right? g-)
Ramin NIkaeen wrote:
Can someone tell me what the "waiting" under the "Transaction Statistics"
means when you execute "sc moni 1"?
Does it show the number of SIP transactions in "waiting" state?
What is this "waiting" state?
It seems that there is a bug in my system because when there are currently no calls on SER,
waiting shows some non-zero number and it continues to increase as time goes on and never
goes back to zero.
Does anyone know where this counter is decremented.
I traced through the tm transaction module and it seems to me that in
the function tm_stats, in file t_stats.h, "s_waiting[process_no]++"
increments this counter. But where is decremented when a transaction
is completed?
I very much appreciate your help
Here is the "sc moni 1" output on my SER server when there are no active calls:
[cycle #: 1; if constant make sure server lives and fifo is on]
Server: Sip EXpress router (0.9.2 (i386/linux))
Now: Wed Jun 28 16:49:26 2006
Up Since: Tue Jun 27 11:21:33 2006
Up time: 106073 [sec]
Transaction Statistics
Current: 0 (13 waiting) Total: 3436 (0 local)
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