I looked at the attached dumps. First of all, 0.8.10 and 0.8.12 handle record routing differently. 0.8.10 implements strict routing while 0.8.12 implements loose routing.
The bug is in your script. Because 0.8.12 implements loose routing, the Request-URI will contain the Contact of the callee. The Contact contains the number of the callee -- 5803932.
In your script you are searching for numbers beginning with 580 and rewrite the hostname to a gateway. ACK and BYE will also contain the number in the Request-URI -- see above, but they don't contain the IP of your server in the Request-URI -- the IP of the callee is there.
But you don't check this and rewrite anyway.
The proper solution would be to search for numbers beginning with 580 inside the if (uri==myself) condition.
BTW, all searches and rewrites of Request-URI should be inside uri==myself condition -- the condition will be true only for requests establishing a dialog.
The Request-URI of requests WITHIN a dialog (BYE, ACK) must not be changed.
In addition to that 0.8.10 and 0.8.12 configs are different. Your config for 0.8.10 doesn't use record routing while the config for 0.8.12 does.
On 17-12 10:19, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
I sent the following message to to the serteam address per (Jiri's request) several days ago regarding an apparent routing difference between 0.8.10 and 0.8.12. I've yet to receive any indication that it was received and/or that anyone is looking into this.
I'm reposting it here (with configs and traces) in hopes that someone here can either indicate what I've done wrong or confirm that these two configurations should work the same.
----- Forwarded message from "Jamin W. Collins" jcollins@asgardsrealm.net -----
From: "Jamin W. Collins" jcollins@asgardsrealm.net To: serteam@iptel.org
I believe I've found a routing difference between 0.8.10 and 0.8.12. I originally brought this up on the serusers list[1]. Jiri has suggested that I forward the configurations and ngrep captures to this address, you should find these attached to this message. The ngrep capture from 20031204 contains the Snom phone's request against the 0.8.10 configuration. The 20031205 capture contains a Snom and Cisco request against the 0.8.12 configuration. The Snom phone works as expected against the 0.8.10 configuration, but not he 0.8.12. The Cisco phone works as expected against the 0.8.12 configuration.
[1] - http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2003-December/004272.html
----- End forwarded message -----
-- Jamin W. Collins
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