On 02/08/16 07:36, Infinicalls Infinicalls wrote:
Hi, I am still struggling to get a prepaid system for my service.
After installing SIREMIS, I am able to get the CDRs updated. But even after adding the cron settings, the call duration doesn't get updated.
And also in
it has been mentioned that
"If it is the case of 1 call per user at a time, then practically can be done from kamailio config only. When call starts, compute the max duration for that call based on caller/destination (e.g., call a stored procedure via sqlops) and set the dialog timeout to that duration. When call ends (BYE in main route or timeout route) update the credit accordingly."
Can somebody let me know if my understanding is correct.
Add a field called "credits" in the database. And topup that field.
First compute max permitted duration for that user by multiplying
the cost for number prefix (say +91) and pulse.
- And finally add this value to timeout of dialog. modparam("dialog",
"default_timeout", 100000) $dlg_ctx(timeout_bye) = 1;
Will this work? Any help would be appreciated.
That should work, you also need to deduct the used credit when the call is ended.
Cheers, Daniel