On 31.08.2009 19:46 Uhr, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
lookup(location) is called as I can see from log. AFAIK there is no other module calling it internally. However, there is a rewrite_uri() done before, since 'Not found in usrloc' message comes afterwards. That can be from other module: rr, enum, etc.
perhaps rewrite_uri() comes from lookup() itself and then two more lookups are done that now result in failure.
just to be sure, you said you don't have lookup() at all, right?
Also, make sure the proxy uses the config you think it should.
i'm looking the .cfg file itself.
I assume you talk about kamailio 1.5.x ... right?
yes. i'll add more log statements. unfortunately, i need to wait until tomorrow for more tests.
anyway, syslog message about entering and leaving script blocks would be useful.
I replied to your email on sr-dev with some hints where to add these log messages.
on the other hand, i don't consider these very useful:
DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
because it does not even tell, which header it is actually parsing.
In this case is "all headers". Most of dbg messages where added by devs to help during coding. Some need to be reviewed.
Cheers, Daniel