Hello Bogdan-Andrei,
Friday, October 1, 2004, 1:11:06 PM, you wrote:
BAI> uri=myself covers the case of an uri with ip address (if the ser BAI> listens on that ip address).
That was my tought, but unfortunately it does not seem to work, maybe I'm using a version that's too old ?
I fear that changing the version my ser.cfg will stop working, since I'm already servicing users I'm a little bit afraid of upgrading.
Here is a transcript with comments, I have changed the IP adress with "IP" word for security reason
41(21810) method: <INVITE> 41(21810) uri: sip:100@IP 41(21810) version: <SIP/2.0>
Invite is coming in with ip address
41(21810) find_first_route(): No Route headers found 41(21810) loose_route(): There is no Route HF
41(21810) check_self - checking if host==us: 13==13 && [IP] == [IP] 41(21810) check_self - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060 41(21810) DEBUG: add_param: tag=JfP-2269 41(21810) end of header reached, state=29
41(21810) query="select username from subscriber where username='100' AND domain='IP'" 41(21810) does_uri_exit(): User in request uri does not exist
here is the problem: as you can see user 100 with domain=IP is recognized as local, but the domain "IP" is not aliased to the real domain I'm using.
Tnx for the support !
BAI> bogdan
BAI> Alessio Focardi wrote:
Hi there !
I have a ser 0.8.12-tcp_nonb (i386/linux) that is running pretty smooth, now I stumbled across a problem and I'm looking for some help.
How can I tell ser that invites coming to "whatever@ipaddress_of_the server" are local request just like "whatever@domainname" or "whatever@machinename.domainame" ?
I tried to add an
but it has not worked.
Any idea ?