Hi all,
First of all, thanks to everybody who took part to this survey.
Based on the feedback I received from the lists, here is a short resume of the survey: - such a mailing list is a useful tool (exclusively for stable branches) - the implementation of the list must go hand-in-hand with a more often minor releasing : minor releases will be for major bugs and will happen once per months maybe; the list will advertise all fixes!
Still to work on: - should be one way mailing list (standard subscriber will only received without being able to post) ??? - who should push the update emails ?? - what is the lowest severity to be pushed on the list - I guess docs /typos might not be considered fixes ;).
I will start investigating the technical means of putting this list into practice.
Best regards, Bogdan
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi all,
I the last year there was a good progress on the project policy regarding releases (major and minor). Still, from my experience as booth developer and user of openser, I feel the need for way to promptly and focused inform the users of openser about the fixes, especially critical fixes, that require immediate update.
Many project have lists where you can subscribe in order to get notification for critical bug or security fixes. Currently, for openser, if you are not subscribed on devel list and if you are not "good" enough in "decrypting" the commit logs, you may miss important fixes you may want to update.
I think is our duty as project to inform the users about the discovered flows in the stable versions. My suggestion is to create a new mailing list where, who is interested, will receive notifications when something critical was fixed in the stable versions of openser.
Maybe a new list (like "alerts@lists.openser.org") where a developer, after making the fix, can issue (if considered important) an update alert for the interested people : Severity: Affected services/modules: Description: Rev number where the fix is available: How to update: ?
I come to this as right now I'm working at two major fixes in the stable versions affecting two important serviced - user location and accounting. And I bet a lot of people will be interested in this in order to update their installations.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
Best regards, Bogdan
Devel mailing list Devel@lists.openser.org http://lists.openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devel