On Feb 05, 2003 at 12:36, Klaus Darilion <darilion(a)ict.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
From: Jan Janak [mailto:J.Janak@sh.cvut.cz]
could you, please, generate a core dump ? Use ulimit -c
1000000 to enable core generation and reproduce the crash.
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with core dump, ulimit .... Could you please
give me more detailed instructions? Where can I find the core dump?
Before starting ser run "ulimit -c unlimited" (from bash) and make sure
you can write in the current directory. Then run ser and add "-w ." to
the command line (this will instruct ser to use the current directory as
its working directory). After the crash you should have a core file.
Also, could you send us the full ser log?
(start ser with -E and 2>ser.log, e.g: ./ser -w . -E [other params]