I'm looking for SER "uac modules", but how to configure ser.cfg to use it? Could anyone help me? Thanks.
Hi to all, I have deployed SER on public IP, and i can install a communication betwen two IP Voip client. Now i want configure SER to call , from a IP VOIP Client, PSTN phone number. I' havent a PSTN gateway but I have a Voip Provider Account (Eutelia www.eutelia.it) that require authentication in order to call PSTN phone. I'm studing the PSTN configuration reported in SER getting start (http://siprouter.onsip.org/doc/gettingstarted/ch09.html)
It describe how to use rewritehost("XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX") to specify the PSTN GATEWAY IP ADDRESS, but doesn't specify nothing about authentication.
The question is : Because i havent a PSTN gateway, It' is possible to configure SER in order to redirect PSTN call to a VOIP provider or It is necessary to use Asterisk between SER and the Voip Provider ?
Any suggestion about ser configuration would be appreciate. Thanks in advance.