Hi all
I'm trying to generate a request using uac_req in a failure route when the call has been canceled. (Kamailio 3.1.3)
Here's the code:
failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE_LALA] { if t_is_canceled() { $uac_req(method) = "INVITE"; $uac_req(ouri) = "sip:"; $uac_req(ruri) = $ru; $uac_req(furi) = $fu; $uac_req(turi) = $tu; $uac_req(hdrs) = "X-PUSH-Type: mytype\r\nX-PUSH-CLI: $avp(s:first_caller_cli)\r\nX-PUSH-DST: $rU\r\n"; uac_req_send(); route(ROUTE_STOP_RTPPROXY); exit; } ... }
The problem here is that the headers X-PUSH-CLI and X-PUSH-DST have literal '$avp(s:first_caller_cli)' and '$rU' values. Here's the INVITE I send:
U 2011/08/23 17:07:09.467666 -> INVITE sip:ngcptest1@domain.com SIP/2.0' Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK925.85ac80a2000000000000000000000000.0' To: sip:ngcptest1@domain.com' From: sip:sipwise1@domain.com;tag=cf3b49e60a035342e3af7df009437068-9f9a' CSeq: 10 INVITE' Call-ID: 25f2b3a34ed8488c-3417@' Content-Length: 0' User-Agent: Sipwise NGCP Proxy 2.X' X-PUSH-Type: mytype' X-PUSH-CLI: $avp(s:first_caller_cli)' X-PUSH-DST: $rU'
I also tried to put the headers in a $var and in a $avp and set the value like:
$var(cancel_push_request)="X-PUSH-Type: missed_call\r\nX-PUSH-CLI: $avp(s:first_caller_cli)\r\nX-PUSH-DST: $rU\r\n"; $uac_req(hdrs) = $var(cancel_push_request);
If I xlog the values like this: xlog("L_INFO", "-------- Comprobando valores '$avp(s:first_caller_cli)' ------ '$rU');
The kamailio log show the correct value: INFO: <script>: -------- Comprobando valores '4312345' ------ 'ngcptest1'
How could I use my stored values in the INVITE generation?